City of Ottawa Fisher Park Playground Concepts

Further to the public meeting held on June 14th to present 2 concept options for the redevelopment of the playground in Fisher Park, this is to advise you  that the concept plans have now been posted on the City’s Website, at the following link:

Thank you to those who attended the meeting and provided input and comments.  All are welcome to provide additional comments until July 6th, at which point we will begin to prepare a “final” concept plan that represents a consensus of community input received.   Please feel free to forward this link to other members of the community for their review of the concept plan options.

We also welcome any input on the type of play equipment (i.e. slides, climbing nets, play panels, etc.) to be included on the new school-age play structure, as well as your suggestions  on the type of spray features (i.e. ground sprays, archway sprays, bucket dumps, etc.) you would like to see in the new splash pad.

Please forward comments to:

Paul Landry
Senior Project Manager
Recreation Planning & Facility Development
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department
City of Ottawa          (613) 580-2424 x24392